In partnership with Robbin Richards and the Pink Pelican, Cancer Services treated teens to their own ‘Cokes and Canvas’ event at Pink Pelican to a day created just for them. The first event of this kind, ten young adults affected by cancer had the opportunity to paint their own Mardi Gras-themed picture, enjoy some lunch and hangout with their Cancer Services friends.

Cancer Services Children’s Program Coordinator Whitney Craig, LMSW, explained that the day meant more than just fun, “Painting allows them to express themselves without talking. It’s important to provide these opportunities that are age-appropriate and can bring teens out of their shells.”

Each of the paintings is unique to each teen; volunteer artist Robbin Richards provided an example to follow but empowered them to make it their own. At the end of the day, there were ten distinctive paintings that everyone can appreciate.

Just as the paintings were unique, the attendees’ experiences with cancer are also unique. Cancer Services Children’s Programs participants include those diagnosed with cancer as well as those who have a sibling or guardian with a cancer diagnosis. At Cokes and Canvas, two are survivors, seven have a parent or guardian with cancer and one has a sibling with cancer but all can connect with each other with the shared understanding of their journeys.

For more information about our Children’s Programs, click here or call 225-927-2273. All programs are 100% dependent on the generosity of this community and you can help them continue by clicking the ‘DONATE’ button at the top of this page.